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MFT for Business Flow Improvements

Checkout how MFT for business flow improvements will help to transfer workloads effectively across companies with MFT Gateway

Indunil Rajapakshe

Information is one of the most valuable assets in every business. The profit or loss of the business depends mainly on the information, consumer and partner management process. Therefore, all transactions must ensure that the information-sharing process operates securely and reliably. Business transactions almost always involve file and data transfers - and there are many techniques for transferring a file to another party. Currently, MFT is a widespread practice used for transferring files with internal and external parties.

Managed File Transfer enables a secure and reliable way to exchange files among trading partners in different business entities. There are many primary and advanced ways to transact files, but choosing an ideal option is hard. Supporting standard file protocols, manageability, automated encryption and decryption mechanisms, and certified delivery are the key features of MFT which help organizations to minimize the complexities and risk when dealing with the file transfer processes. Read this article to get an idea of ​​how MFT improves your business workflow.

How MFT improves your business workflows

Digital business is becoming a trend in the business world. Therefore, businesses get more opportunities to perform B2B transactions, and work with more suppliers/customers than ever before. Adopting to Managed File Transfer will help to streamline the business process, which makes it an excellent ROI for the business. Below mentioned criteria will help you to understand how MFT improves your business workflow.

Encrypt Algorithms

MFT provides a reliable and secure transaction process

MFT is in high demand for a secure and reliable transaction process with well-known security standards such as Encryption standards, Digital Signature Verification, Compression, Message Disposition Notification receipt, and Integrity Check, to ensure the journey of file transactions with full visibility to the users.

MFT suits for remote workflow

Information that requires high security, such as invoices, tenders, shipping schedules, user information, logs, and reports, can be of different file sizes, single or multiple attachments, or a wide range of file types. MFT allows users to transfer files quickly and frequently in an efficient environment, fulfilling the requirement and choice of data transfer methods, even for users of a remote workflow.

MFT enhances business relationships

MFT is an excellent opportunity to make a positive impact on the business by creating a sense that the addressing party is interested in standard business practices. The damage caused by a single misalignment is incalculable. Therefore, businesses need to work on eliminating errors, delays, and risks. MFT is an ideal mechanism that delivers the confidence to add new suppliers/customers quickly with well-known security standards and provides the chance to respond promptly.

MFT increases efficiency and provides excellent flexibility

The process will not be efficient if your file transaction process struggles with large amounts of data, frequency of use, rigorousness of IT support, high maintenance and limited B2B transaction opportunities. When a business moves to a new process, most of the time they need to hire skilled people or train employees with an extra effort, maintaining and controlling a process by own and changing your business practice. With the additional workload, that process will become a hassle to the business.

MFT eliminates multiple points of failure, ensures maximum uptime, and reduces customer churn. Reporting, audit paths, global visibility, file transfer-related activities automation, end-to-end security and performance metrics are the features that come to get the best out of MFT solutions.

MFT can be scaled to meet future business objectives

MFT has the scalable architecture to innovate with cloud integration, API support, and deployment of a fast MFT platform with rapid growth. The future of business is unpredictable. The processes which integrate with the business need to enhance their capabilities to achieve the future business objectives. Therefore, MFT will be a better experience to do more business, faster, in the present and the future.

MFT Gateway: a secure and reliable Managed File Transfer solution for B2B Trading

Aayu Technologies LLC provides a platform called MFT Gateway, a secure and reliable Managed File Transfer solution for B2B Trading. MFT Gateway is the first cloud-based serverless SaaS EDI trading platform offering the AS2 protocol for B2B enterprises simply and securely without any proprietary devices, software and networks. MFT Gateway also supports AS2 messaging integrations via SFTP, Amazon S3 cloud storage, and a REST API, while being fully compliant with the technology standard of RFC 4130.

MFT Gateway provides better security

For every file transaction made at MFT Gateway, it supports Encryption standards, Digital Signature Verification, Compression, Message Disposition Notification receipt, and Integrity Check. Additionally, password security standards, session expires mechanisms and user access management help to make the platform a more secure environment for handling sensitive data. Additionally there is an option to use a static IP when sending messages to desired partners, for dealing with firewall-level barriers and smoothening the transaction process.

  • Encryption – Use of public-key cryptography mechanism, where the sender uses the recipient’s public key to encrypt the message, so that only the recipient can decrypt the message with the use of his/her private key
  • Digital Signatures –A digital signature is a mathematical scheme which can verify the identity of the message sender. The sender signs the message using his/her private key, and the receiver can authenticate the signature using the sender’s public key.
  • Compression – Compression reduces the overall size of the message to improve the transmission speed and save disk space.
  • Message Disposition Notification (MDN) – MDN is an electronic return receipt, which can be optionally requested either synchronously or asynchronously, to ensure that the recipient received the message intact.
  • Message Integrity Check (MIC) – The sender calculates the original message MIC value by using a hashing algorithm and stores the value on his side. When the message is received, the receiver calculates the received message MIC with the same algorithm used by the sender. Then the calculated MIC value is sent back to the message sender within the MDN. The sender matches the received MIC value with his stored MIC value to ensure that the message has not been tampered with, or altered, in the middle of the transaction.

  • Password standards – MFT Gateway enforces a password strength policy, disallows reuse of prior passwords, allows users to change their password at any time, and also allows administrators to force a user to reset his/her password if they notice any suspicious activity.

  • User access management – A business that uses MFT can allow different user level employees to perform file transactions and other maintenance and administrative actions with the minimum set of necessary permissions.

  • Use of a static IP address when sending messages to selected partners – Due to security reasons, some organizations install firewalls; in such cases, they need to whitelist their partners’ IP addresses to receive messages. MFT Gateway exposes a setting that allows you to use a static IP address when sending messages to such partners, which helps the whitelisting process in these cases.

All these internal and external operations are visible to the user when he/she sends or receives a message through the MFT Gateway.

A simple and flexible process to manage file transactions

Any user or organization is welcome to the MFT Gateway, and the user can send and receive individual/bulk messages in a simple process. Aayu Technologies Team is always eager to help users to get the best from the MFT Gateway.

The MFT Gateway reduces operating costs, labour-power and user errors, and can be operated without the support of any IT engineer and without configuring or maintaining any servers on your end. The user can share partner configurations via email, can request email notifications for received/failed messages, and adjust the security standards of individual partners with only a few clicks.

Sent Message

File search capabilities based on the unique message ID, message subject, station-partner combinations, and sorting ability with the timestamp, make it easy to find information on specific file transfer processes performed on the MFT Gateway.


Selecting the right MFT partner is not merely a solution to one business problem but a long-term investment that helps to handle managed file transfer workloads efficiently across the organization. In your quest to find the right vendor, MFT Gateway will assist to tick-off most of your considered specifications as a secure managed file transfer solution that fits best to your business requirements.

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MFT gateway
AS2 Connection as a service for B2B EDI/ file transfer
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