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AS2 Gateway | New Features & Subscription Management Enhancements

AS2 Gateway is now Aayu Enjoy new features like integrated subscriptions, easy certificate renewal, and improved webhook testing. Try it free today!

22 Mar 2021

AS2 Gateway is now Aayu!

AS2 Gateway is now available through Aayu Technologies LLC!. From January 2020, AS2 Gateway is branded and resold primarily through Aayu Technologies LLC for most of its users who are small and medium businesses, and this means a more convenient and integrated credit card billing and invoicing process through a US based entity.

Despite the new reseller, AS2 Gateway is still developed and managed by the same competent and responsive team from AdroitLogic. While further improving features and support for the cloud based service, Aayu will be seeking to take the AS2 Gateway product to new levels, including Docker and PaaS-based deployments; standalone, self-installable bundles for personal and SME use; and close integration with Aayu’s own EDI Generator for end-to-end, cloud-based EDI integration.

Subscription management with automatic payments

Ability to pay and manage their subscriptions from the AS2 Gateway dashboard itself, has been a major feature request from our user base.

Realizing this, AS2 Gateway now allows you to subscribe to a premium package of your choice, from its Payment page Recurring payment options are available on monthly, quarterly and annual basis - with 15% discounts on the latter two. With this, you can save all the time and effort spent on procurement, payments and related document trails, and never worry about service interruptions due to missed payments.

Payments are handled by the globally trusted payment provider Paddle, so you can simply save your credit card to ensure timely and uninterrupted payments. You can also pay with your PayPal account, where Paddle will set up an automatic payment on your behalf.

If you run into excess usage, they will be still be accumulated and charged through regular invoices. We are working on automating these charges as well; soon, the entire process will be automatic and hassle-free.

Renew your trading station certificates from the dashboard

Until now, if you wanted to renew an expired certificate or sign/reissue an exisitng key pair in your AS2 Gateway account through an external certificate authority (CA), you had to export the respective keystore and make the necessary updates by hand.

AS2 Gateway now allows you to do both of these from the Certificate Manager page itself, with just a few clicks.

Currently the renewed certificate is applied to the AS2 flow immediately, so the rotation still needs to be done during a mutually agreed maintenance window; however the team is already working to make these rotations schedulable, so that both parties can exchange and configure the renewed certificates beforehand - avoiding manual intervention and reducing the chance of mistakes.

Test your webhooks - without waiting for live traffic

When getting started with webhooks, you almost always need to send a few test events to your configured URL, in order to verify that everything is in order. Now you can do this easily using the Test this Webhook (lightning bolt) button, to send a sample event of the desired type (received-message, received-MDN or message-send-failed) to your handler.

This means you can rapidly develop and test your webhook integration, without having to wait for a partner to actually send a message (or set up a harness of test partner-station combos) every time you want to validate your changes.

Meanwhile, remember that you can also resend the webhook event for a production message, using the Redeliver data to Downstreams button on the inbox.

Replay incoming AS2 messages for convenient troubleshooting

Ever realized that you had configured an incorrect certificate for your partner, quickly fixed it on the partner settings, and then had to wait for hours (or days) for your partner to resend the same message - to validate the change and send back a success MDN?

Now with AS2 Gateway, you can simply ask AS2 Gateway to “replay” such a message from your inbox, without having to get (or wait for) your partner to resend it. This will re-process the originally received AS2 headers and payload of the message, but using the current partner/station settings. You can optionally choose to send back a MDN for the replay attempt as well.

This would mainly be useful when you are setting up communications with a new partner - where certificate misconfigurations are quite common (e.g. an incorrect certificate assigned for signature verifications).

If you are already on AS2 Gateway, you have access to all these features - right away. If you are not, sign up right now and enjoy all these features - plus a lot more - under our 30-day, zero-commitment Free Trial.

Stay tuned for more goodies!

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